
Hey, it’s me. Hailing from the highest grossing sports city in America – Cleveland, Ohio – I’m recent grad of the University of Cincinnati with a Bachelor’s of Science in Industrial Design.

My earliest memory of being interested in the world of design stems back to my childhood when my father, an architect, would let me help color some of his blueprints or give me an extra sheet of tracing paper to doodle on. In hindsight, I’m not sure why he entrusted a 7 year old with precious Prismacolor markers, but I guess it worked out (Thanks, Dad). I eventually grew into a theatre kid who loved playing pretend and experiencing new worlds and environments with every show. Ever since then I’ve been fascinated with the human experience through our physical surroundings.

When I’m not watching Cleveland baseball or playing darts in an Irish pub with my family, I’m usually on the hunt for the best breakfast food in whatever city I’m visiting. So far the top title belongs to a little spot in New Orleans called Jimmy J’s. In case you were wondering.